新关注 > 信息聚合 > 克耶高斯嘴无遮拦再惹祸 炮轰主裁双标小德躺枪

克耶高斯嘴无遮拦再惹祸 炮轰主裁双标小德躺枪

G gaussian mouth without block trouble again Shelling referee double standard druid innocent

2016-05-22 22:30:58来源: 新浪

克耶高斯在比赛中 新浪体育讯 北京时间5月22日消息,成绩稳步提升的同时,伴随着克耶高斯的争议也没停止过。法网首个比赛日,澳洲坏小子又没能管住嘴,裁判因其冲球童喊声过大给其警告,这这判罚招来他的...

G and the gaussian sina sports - in the game Beijing time on May 22 news, the result of rising steadily at the same time, accompanied by controversy and the gaussian has never stopped. French first matchday, Australian bad guys and can't tube shut up, the referee because of its impact to its warning shouts caddie is too high, this decision drew his...