新关注 > 信息聚合 > 孙可与权健签署未来5年归属权协议 暂留舜天

孙可与权健签署未来5年归属权协议 暂留舜天

Sun and the right to health signed in the future 5 years ownership agreement persistence sainty Sina

2015-07-03 17:54:49来源: 新浪

孙可将继续留在舜天 新浪体育讯 北京时间7月3日,权健方面在完成了对天津松江股权收购的同时,也在南京完成了与孙可未来5年归属权、工资支付、暂留舜天直至松江完成冲超等等细节的补充条款的签约工作。至...

sun can will continue in Sainty sina sports news Beijing time on July 3,, the right to health in the completed on acquisition of Tianjin Songjiang stake at the same time, in Nanjing completed and sun can future 5 years ownership, salary payment, persistence of Shuntian until Songjiang complete flushes ultra, and so the details of the supplementary provisions of the contract. To...