新关注 > 信息聚合 > 库总:科比说合同到期就退役 不想搭档KB别来湖人

库总:科比说合同到期就退役 不想搭档KB别来湖人

Library: Bryant said contract expires on retired to partner KB to the Lakers

2015-05-23 07:09:37来源: 网易

库普切克透露,科比亲口告诉他说,2015-16赛季结束后他会退役。谈及夏天计划,库普切克透露,科比会帮助湖人招募大牌自由球员,但若有些自由球员不想搭档科比,那干脆也别来湖人,湖人不需要。 网易体育...

Kupchak said that Kobe personally tell he said that after the end of the 2015-16 season he will retire. Talking about the summer program, Kupchak said, Kobe will help the Lakers recruiting big free agent, but if some free players don't want to kopeck partner, it simply don't the Lakers, the Lakers don't need to. Netease sports...