新关注 > 信息聚合 > 龙岩供电开展学雷锋青年志愿服务活动


Longyan power school Lei Feng youth volunteer service activities

2015-03-06 12:37:27来源: 中国电力新闻网

中电新闻网讯 通讯员 余小娟 报道 “师傅,节约用电有许多小窍门,比如家里的电器,像热水器之类的,用完以后及时关掉电源,还有进行错峰用电等,一个月下来可以节省好多电费呢!” 3月4日上午,国网龙岩供...

electric News correspondent Yu Xiaojuan reports "master, save electricity and there are many tips, such as home appliances, such as heater, after turn off the power, also have the peak electricity consumption, a month comes down to save a lot of electricity!" The morning of March 4th, Chinese network in Longyan for...