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劫 第二章:公瑾驾到

The second chapter: Rob Gongjin arrives

2015-02-02 12:59:49来源: 4399

第二章:公瑾驾到 前文回顾: 劫 第一章:误入乔府 几日后。 竹楼大院内,一男子悄然到访。“不知乔公可在?” “父亲正在书房,还请公子稍等片刻。”大乔道。 “不知姑娘是?” “小女子名唤大乔。” 周瑜连忙双手抱拳,“原来是乔姑娘,失敬失敬,在下周公瑾。” ...

second chapter: Gongjin arrives above review: first chapter: Rob strayed into Joe house a few days later. Bamboo compound, a man quietly visit. "I do not know Joe Public in?" "the father is the study, also invite a childe to wait a moment." Big road. "I do not know the girl is?" "small woman named joe." Zhou Yu hurriedly the hands embrace a boxing, "the original is Joe girl, sorry sorry, in Zhou Gongjin." ...