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阿根廷美洲杯首发:梅西领衔 阿圭罗复出战J罗

The first Copa America in Argentina: "Messi headed Aguero comeback J war Luo Sina

2015-06-27 07:06:12来源: 新浪

新浪体育讯 北京时间6月27日07:30(智利当地时间26日20:30),2015美洲杯第3场半决赛在索萨里托球场展开角逐,阿根廷对阵哥伦比亚。 阿根廷近4战哥伦比亚取得2胜2平,近2次美洲杯对...

sina sports news Beijing time on June 27 at 07:30 (local time in Chile 26 20:30), 2015 Copa America the third semi-final in Sosa Rito stadium compete, against Argentina, Colombia. Argentina in the past 4 and 2 wins, 2 square, nearly 2 American cup...