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趣游概念站发布 神秘大作将震撼登陆

Fun tour concept station released mystery masterpiece will shake the landing the leads of

2015-05-19 10:48:09来源: 新浪

导语:继去年发布的《黑暗之光》取得骄人成绩后,趣游时代势如破竹,于今日正式公布一个域名为:http://zxl.youxi.com/ 的神秘概念站,预示着又一款精品大作即将席卷2015年的游戏市场。 嗜血残暴 斗战涅盘 【概念主题:嗜血残暴 斗战涅盘】 此概念站将以一组极具视觉...

: following the last year with the launch of the dark light, made remarkable achievements, fun times amusement like gangbusters, today officially announced for a domain name: http://zxl.youxi.com/ mysterious concept, indicating a and a boutique is sweeping the games market by 2015. Bloodthirsty brutal battle Nirvana [concept theme: bloodthirsty cruelty battle Nirvana] this concept will be a group of highly visual station...