新关注 > 信息聚合 > 绝代双骄第二次联赛破门同时突破35球大关


Twins second league goal at the same time exceeded 35 mark ball

2015-04-21 18:54:38来源: 华体网

本周C罗在本赛季的西甲进球数达到了39粒,而梅西也仅仅相差四球,联赛中打入了35球。据《马卡报》统计,这是绝代双骄第二次在西甲联赛的进球数同时突破35球。 目前西甲联赛还剩下6轮,所以梅西在2011-2012赛季创下的50粒西甲联赛进球纪录还有六次机会供两人打破。 在2011-12赛...

C Ronaldo this week in this season's La Liga reached 39 goals, and Messi is just four goals, scored 35 goals in the league. According to "Marca" statistics, this is our goal number second twins in La Liga and break 35 goals. At present, the Spanish League remaining 6, so Messi in the 2011-2012 season record of 50 league scoring record size as well as a six chance for two to break. In the 2011-12 season...