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全国首个“比法”电视大赛举行 旨在宣扬法治文化

The country's first "ratio method" TV contest held to promote the culture of the rule of law

2015-04-18 18:26:26来源: 人民网

由中央电视台社会与法频道、西南政法大学主办,中国法文化研究传播中心承办的法治文化电视大赛“法字方阵”(第一季)决赛在重庆开赛。这是全国首次用知识竞赛方式传播法治文化。最终,西南政法大学2013级民商法学院学生张拯从决赛的8名选手中脱颖而出,获得冠军。图为决赛现 由中央电视台社会与法频...

sponsored by CCTV society and law channel, Southwest University of Political Science and Law, the rule of law culture TV contest "Chinese Culture Communication Research Center hosted by word matrix" (Season 1) finals start in Chongqing. This is the first in the country to use the knowledge contest ways of spreading the culture of the rule of law. Finally, the civil and commercial law, Southwest University of Political Science and Law 2013 grade student Zhang Zheng from the 8 players championship finals in the talent showing itself. The final figure for the CCTV society and law channel...