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海伦哲举办“我幸福 我快乐”六一亲子活动

Hailunzhe held "I am happy I'm happy 61 parent-child activities

2015-06-05 10:15:30来源: 中国工程机械商贸网

近日,以“我幸福 我快乐”为主题的六一亲子活动在公司三楼多功能厅如期举行。在欢快的音乐声中,员工们带着可爱的小朋友们在精心布置的场地上共同庆祝这个快乐的节日,欢声和笑语洒满整个厂区。我们希望今后通过...

recently, with" I'm happy I am happy "as the theme of the 61 parent-child activities in companies on the third floor of multi-function hall held as scheduled. In cheerful music, employees with a cute little friends in the careful layout of the site to celebrate the happy festival, cheers and laughters flooded the entire plant. We hope that by...