新关注 > 信息聚合 > 华为 荣耀7手机双4G版南京黑色仅2450元

华为 荣耀7手机双4G版南京黑色仅2450元

Huawei glory 7 mobile phone dual version of 4G Nanjing black only 2450 yuan

2015-07-21 11:13:26来源: 中关村在线

(中关村在线江苏行情)近日,华为 荣耀7手机双4G版在中关村在线认证经销商“前锋手机(送货上门)”黑色的促销价为2450元,华为 荣耀7较为特别之处在于机身左侧的“智灵键”,一键直达移动互联新生活,...

(ZOL Jiangsu quotes) recently, the Huawei honor 7 mobile phone dual version of 4G in Zhongguancun Online authentication distributor "striker phone (door-to-door)" black promotional price of 2450 yuan, the Huawei honor 7 more special place is on the left side of the fuselage "Zhi Ling" button, one touch access mobile internet life,...