新关注 > 信息聚合 > 穿梭于城市间的恒洁卫浴安装工


The shuttle in the city between the HeGll sanitary installation clean network

2014-12-27 11:45:50来源: 中洁网

从最后一个客户家里出来的时候,夜幕已经降临。像他们这样每天要跑1、2户,从城南到城北甚至郊区,所以经常晚回家也是家常便饭,不过只要客户对我们恒洁的服务满意,就是最大的安慰。 冬至,整个冬天中最冷的...

from last time a client in the home, the night is falling. As they do every day to run 1, 2 households, from south to North and even the suburbs, so often go home late is homely food, but as long as we HeGll satisfaction on customer service, is the greatest comfort. The winter solstice, the coldest winter in the...