新关注 > 信息聚合 > 女排欧锦赛诸强参赛名单 卫冕冠军俄罗斯微调

女排欧锦赛诸强参赛名单 卫冕冠军俄罗斯微调

Women's volleyball tournament Zhujiang squad defending champion Russia fine-tuning

2015-09-26 16:51:09来源: 新浪

卫冕冠军俄罗斯女排 新浪体育讯 北京时间9月26日消息,2015年欧洲女排[微博]锦标赛将于当地时间今日揭幕,共有16支队伍获得参赛资格,其中包括卫冕冠军俄罗斯、刚刚在世界杯斩获亚军直通里约的塞...

champions Russian women's volleyball team of sina sports news Beijing standard time on September 26 news, 2015 European women's volleyball team [microblogging] Championships will be in local time today unveiled, a total of 16 teams qualify, including defending champion Russia, just in the World Cup runner gains through Rio plug.