新关注 > 信息聚合 > 枣庄男子百万卡宴刹车失灵续 即将介入第三方检测

枣庄男子百万卡宴刹车失灵续 即将介入第三方检测

Zaozhuang man million Cayenne brakes continued is involved in the third party inspection

2015-02-06 20:11:32来源: 人民网

枣庄男子百万卡宴刹车失灵续,即将介入第三方检测,车主提供授权书内容 齐鲁网2月5日讯枣庄张先生近日向山东广播电视台综合广播《关注质量》节目爆料,称2014年1月26日他在济南保时捷中心购买一辆180万左右的保时捷卡宴suv,车开了17000多公里的时候,连续出现自动熄火、刹车失灵等故...

Zaozhuang man million Cayenne brakes continued, is involved in the third party inspection, the owners to provide authorization contents of Qilu network February 5th news Zaozhuang Mr. Zhang recently told Shandong radio and television broadcasting "concerned about the quality of" comprehensive program broke the news, said in January 26, 2014 he purchased a 1800000 around the Porsche Cayenne SUV in Ji'nan Porsche center, car opened more than 17000 kilometers, continuous automatic flameout, brake failure reason...