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温格证实切赫伤停3-4周 门神无缘德比+火拼巴萨

Arsene wenger has confirmed that cech goalkeeper for Derby the 3-4 weeks + do Barcelona

2016-03-04 22:35:14来源: 网易

网易体育3月4日报道: 北京时间3月5日20:45,阿森纳将做客白鹿巷球场挑战热刺,火爆无比的北伦敦德比也是本轮英超的焦点战。今日,阿森纳主帅温格出席了赛前的发布会。发布会上,温格遗憾的透露球队主力门将切赫将因伤缺阵3-4周的时间,这也就意味着切赫无法出征德比战以及欧冠次回合和巴萨的生...

On March 4, netease sports coverage: at Beijing time on March 5, Arsenal will be challenged to tottenham hotspur at white hart lane, hot matchless north London Derby is also the focus of the premier league. Today, the Arsenal manager arsene wenger has attended the conference before the game. Conference, wenger unfortunately revealed the team main force goalkeeper petr cech will injury for 3-4 weeks, which means not to cech Derby and champions league second leg and Barcelona...