新关注 > 信息聚合 > 微软持有SurfacePhone.com域名 新机在即?

微软持有SurfacePhone.com域名 新机在即?

Microsoft domain name holders SurfacePhone.com new machine soon?

2016-01-28 11:11:53来源: 天极网

【Yesky新闻频道消息】上月有传言称微软将于今年年中推出一款Surface Phone。与微软旗下的Lumia手机不同,Surface Phone将由微软全权打造。 微软持有SurfacePho...

[Message] Yesky news channel last month, there are rumors that Microsoft will launch this year a Surface Phone. Microsoft's Lumia phone different, Surface Phone by Microsoft to create a sole. Microsoft holds SurfacePho ...

标签: 微软