新关注 > 信息聚合 > 7月乘用车销量同比增29% A级轿车带动市场上行

7月乘用车销量同比增29% A级轿车带动市场上行

July passenger car sales up by 29% A-class car to drive the market upward

2016-08-12 15:31:28来源: 人民网

随着汽车市场复苏迹象逐渐显现,各主机厂商加码生产的步调开始更加明显。 “7月的走势超过我们预期。”8月9日,在全国乘用车市场信息联席会的月度销量发布会上,乘联会秘书长崔东树向《每日经济新闻》记者表示,“狭义乘用车市场产量同比增加近35%,这说明各车企的信心开始恢复。” 产量增长的...

With signs of recovery in the automotive market is gradually emerging, each host manufacturers overweight production pace began to become more pronounced. "The trend in July exceeded our expectations." August 9, at the monthly sales conference, the National Passenger Car Market Information Joint Council, the Secretary-General Choi Dong-tree by the Federation to the "Daily Economic News" reporter, said, "take the narrow sense car market, production increased nearly 35%, indicating that car prices began to recover confidence. "output growth ...