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意大利名单:皮尔洛布冯领衔 米兰克星首入选

Italian list: Piero Buffon headlining Milan nemesis songs selected

2015-10-04 06:55:39来源: 新浪

贝拉尔迪首次入选国家队 新浪体育讯 北京时间10月4日,意大利队主帅孔蒂公布了最新一期国家队大名单。德罗西因在对阵保加利亚的比赛中吃到红牌,遭遇禁赛无缘国家队大名单,巴洛特利在上周日的米兰德比中...

Berardi was first elected to the national team of sina sports news Beijing standard time on October 4th, Italy coach conti announced the latest issue of the national squad. Daniele De Rossi because to eat red card in the match against Bulgaria, face suspension missed the national team squad, Balotelli in Sunday's derby.