新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2015年重庆市商品房交付观摩活动落地融创嘉德庄园


By 2015, Chongqing city commercial housing delivery activities to observe landing SUNAC Jiade manor

2015-12-31 10:25:33来源: 华龙网

【摘要】 “工程质量很难创新,我们在做的是把每个细节做到极致。”12月29日,重庆市渝北区城乡建设委员会、重庆渝北区建设工程质量监督站组织辖区的众多开发企业和工程建设企业,前往融创嘉德庄园举行提高交...

[Abstract] "engineering quality is very difficult to innovate, we do is to achieve perfection in every detail." On December 29,, Yubei District, Chongqing City, urban and rural construction commission, Chongqing Yubei District Construction Engineering Quality Supervision Station area of the development of many enterprises and the engineering construction enterprise to thaw record Guardian manor improve...