新关注 > 信息聚合 > 三大战线齐发力 北京现代8月销量双向正增长

三大战线齐发力 北京现代8月销量双向正增长

Three big front have force Beijing hyundai sales two-way positive growth in August

2016-09-02 14:35:42来源: 中国新闻网

中新网9月1日电 据最新数据显示,继7月顺利开局下半年,北京现代8月销量继续升温,凭借同比、环比双向均达到17%增幅的正增长,实现销售82,025万辆;D+S占比过半,比例高达54.1%。 亮眼...

Beijing, Sept. 1 (Reuters) According to the latest data show that the smooth start in the second half of July, August, Beijing hyundai sales continued to heat up, with two-way, annulus compared to 17% increase of positive growth, achieve sales of 820.25 million units; D + S accounted for more than half, up to 54.1%. Bright eye...