新关注 > 信息聚合 > 北京市出台促体育消费意见 京津冀将推体育一卡通

北京市出台促体育消费意见 京津冀将推体育一卡通

Beijing issued to promote the sports consumption ideas of Beijing Tianjin Hebei will push the sports card

2015-06-26 10:50:29来源: 搜狐

本市出台促体育消费意见 中小学生可获体育俱乐部技能培训 打造京津冀场馆实时订约平台— 京津冀将推体育一卡通 本报讯(记者 李洁)继京津冀推出交通一卡通后,本市还将打造京津冀场馆实时订约平台,推...

the city issued opinions of sports consumption and promote primary and middle school students can obtain sports club skills training to build venues of Beijing, Tianjin and real-time contracting platform - Beijing, Tianjin will push the sports card report from our correspondent (reporter Li Jie) following after the launch of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei transportation card, the city will build venues of Beijing, Tianjin and real-time contracting platform and push...