新关注 > 信息聚合 > 高冷评测媒体《消费者报告》:独立客观第三方


The high cold media evaluation "consumer reports": independent and objective third party

2015-12-18 08:48:31来源: 新浪

新浪科技 郑峻 发自美国硅谷 美国有这样一家特立独行的评测媒体,他们诠释了什么叫“独立、客观、第三方”。为了确保公正,他们自己匿名购买所有评测产品;为了保证客观,他们只依靠自己实验室的评测结果;...

Sina Sina Technology Zheng Jun from the bottom of the U.S. Silicon Valley that America is an evaluation of the personal independence of conduct media, their interpretation of what is called "independent, objective third party". In order to make sure that they are anonymous to buy all the evaluation products; in order to ensure the objective, they rely on their own laboratory evaluation results;...