新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2016新西兰中国电影周闭幕 共展映六部优秀国产片

2016新西兰中国电影周闭幕 共展映六部优秀国产片

The Chinese film week closing 2016 New Zealand A total of screening six home-made movies

2016-06-08 14:18:54来源: 人民网

由国家新闻出版广电总局、中国驻新西兰大使馆、新西兰文化遗产部、新西兰电影委员会共同主办的“2016新西兰中国电影周”,近日在新西兰首都惠灵顿落下帷幕。 本次电影周活动旨在深化落实习近平主席201...

By the state general administration of press and publication, radio and television, the Chinese embassy in New Zealand, New Zealand heritage ", sponsored by the New Zealand film commission jointly "2016 New Zealand Chinese film week", recently in the New Zealand capital, Wellington. This film week aims to deepen the implementation of xi jinping, chairman of the 201...

标签: 电影