新关注 > 信息聚合 > 29岁辣妈靠“饥饿减肥”半年 眼珠暴突患上甲亢

29岁辣妈靠“饥饿减肥”半年 眼珠暴突患上甲亢

29-year-old hot mom by "starvation diet" six months suffering from hyperthyroidism sudden violent eyes

2016-08-14 21:33:14来源: 新蓝网

一名29岁的辣妈,生完孩子后体重暴涨,给自己列下了近乎严苛的减肥计划。结果半年下来没减多少肉,反得了甲亢。这是怎么回事? 29岁妈妈这样减肥,半年后查出甲亢 29岁的小孙(化名)是一家时装店的店...

A 29-year-old hot mom after giving birth weight soared to their column under the near-stringent weight loss program. Save the results six months down not much meat, anti had hyperthyroidism. How is this going? 29-year-old mother this way to lose weight, find out six months after the 29-year-old Xiao Sun hyperthyroidism (a pseudonym) is a boutique shop ...