新关注 > 信息聚合 > “香港人物肖像油画第一人”林明琛油画展在香港..


"Lin Mingchen professor of oil painting exhibition" painting Lin Mingchen first Hong Kong portrait oil painting exhibition in Hong Kong..

2015-07-31 21:20:26来源: 中国新闻网

中新社香港7月31日电(记者 梁今)由天趣当代艺术馆举办的“林明琛教授油画展”31日在香港开幕,展出20多幅林明琛的代表作。 林明琛被誉为“香港人物肖像油画第一人”,是著名油画家、色彩学家,并身兼广州美术学院教授、中国书画艺委会艺术委员、中国民族艺术家协会副会长、香港油画研究会荣誉会...

China News Agency, Hong Kong, July 31 (reporter Liang Jin) by Natural Museum of contemporary art held 31 in Hong Kong opened exhibited over 20 pieces of forest Mingchen masterpiece. Lin Mingchen is known as "the first person to Hong Kong oil painting portraits is home of famous oil painting, color experts, and is a professor of Guangzhou Academy of fine arts, Chinese painting and calligraphy art Art Committee, of Chinese Artists Association, vice chairman, Hong Kong Oil Painting Research Association honorary...