新关注 > 信息聚合 > 警惕“习以为常的不正常”


Common alert "abnormal"

2016-06-11 13:48:24来源: 中国共产党新闻网

原标题:警惕“习以为常的不正常” 生活中,很多人有过这样的经历:身体某个部位虽然不正常,甚至隐隐作痛,但时间一长,也就慢慢习惯,不以为病。这种“习以为常的不正常”值得警惕。 针对媒体报道的“悬崖村”问题,四川昭觉县5月25日成立由50多个人组成的工作小组,到达“悬崖村”进行摸底调...

The original title: alert to "normal" abnormal "in life, many people have such experience: although some parts of the body is not normal, even dull ache, but over time, will slowly get used to, not disease. Used this "abnormal" alarming. According to media reports of "cliff village" problem, sichuan da was established on May 25, the working group composed of more than 50 people, reach "cliff village" tune in parts...