新关注 > 信息聚合 > 滁州西大街桥在“火热”中推进 计划10月通车

滁州西大街桥在“火热”中推进 计划10月通车

Chuzhou West Street bridge over the "hot" in the October opening of the promotion plan

2016-08-13 00:30:47来源: 中安在线

中安在线讯 据滁州网报道,连日来,酷暑难耐,但在滁州市重点建设项目——滁城西大街桥建设工地上,为保工期,工人们每天坚持在高温下作业。该工程是西大街跨越南湖四期水域东西走向的桥梁,全长144.7米,宽...

Angola, according to the online news network reported Chuzhou in recent days, intolerable heat, but the key construction projects in Chuzhou - Chuzhou West Street on the bridge construction site, duration of protection, the workers every day at high temperature operation. The project is the West Lake Avenue across the waters of four east-west bridge, a total length of 144.7 meters, width ...