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《生死狙击》欢乐谷开园啦 给你一个非凡假期

A sniper, happy valley opened Give you a special holiday

2016-08-11 15:35:32来源: 太平洋游戏网

酷暑来袭,烈日似火,还在人山人海的迪士尼里顶着大太阳排队吗?《生死狙击》欢乐谷开园啦,不用排队不用暴晒,虚拟乐园技术全面升级,沉浸其中,享受五光十色的愉悦带来的完美假期吧! 《生死狙击》地图“欢...

Heat, the sun is like fire, but also in a sea of people standing in line in the big sun in the Disney? Sniper, happy valley opened, don't have to line up without exposure, virtual paradise full upgrade, immersion, enjoy the pleasure of colours to bring the perfect holiday! "The sniper" map "huan...