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感知世园会 奉献世园会(图)

Perceived Expo dedication Expo (Figure)

2015-03-23 08:11:53来源: 环渤海新闻网

感知世园会 奉献世园会 环渤海新闻网消息 3月21日,路南区惠民道办事处在南湖公园开展了“小手拉大手,走进世园,奉献世园”志愿服务活动。清晨,20余名党员志愿者带领辖区内的50余名老人孩子,一同...

perception Expo dedication Expo ring Bohai Sea News Network News March 21, Lunan District Huimin district offices in Nanhu Park carried out "hand pull the hands and walked into the world park, contributing to the world park" volunteer service activities. In the morning, more than 50 party members and volunteers to lead the area of more than 20 elderly children, together...