新关注 > 信息聚合 > 97岁台湾翁情系故土 为黄骅51名小学生发放奖学金

97岁台湾翁情系故土 为黄骅51名小学生发放奖学金

97 year old Taiwanese Weng emotional ties to their homeland for Huanghua 51 students issued scholarships

2015-06-11 09:52:45来源: 河北新闻网

河北新闻网讯(通讯员周如凤 燕赵都市报记者代晴)前不久,黄骅市齐家务乡德庄小学51名品学兼优的学生共领到1960元奖学金。这已是德庄小学连续21年为孩子们发放奖学金了,奖学金的发起者是已经97岁的台...

Hebei News Network (communication Zhou Rufeng Yanzhao Metropolis Daily reporter on behalf of clear) not long ago, Huanghua City Qi Jia Wu Xiang Chong Tak Primary School 51 deserving students were received a scholarship of $1960. This is the German village primary school for 21 consecutive years for children scholarships, scholarship sponsors are already 97 years old, taiwan...