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金立M6/M6 Plus私密空间 帮你化解一切尴尬

Gionee M6 / M6 Plus illicit close space to help you resolve all embarrassed

2016-09-20 10:10:42来源: 天极网

【天极网手机频道】朋友想借用一下你的手机,碍于情面无法拒绝又担心被看到隐私很尴尬?小孩想拿你的手机玩游戏,担心会误删重要文件?公司单位的机密文件,感觉只用保密软件来保护还是不够安全?从现在开始,这些烦恼全都不是事儿。有了金立超级续航手机M6/M6 Plus的私密空间2.0,隐私信息放这里...

Chinabyte mobile channel 】 【 friend want to borrow your cell phone, because of the brutal cannot refuse to be worried to see privacy very embarrassed? Children want to take your cell phone to play games, fear of accidentally delete important file? Company unit of confidential documents, the feeling is only a secret software to protect or safe enough? From now on, all these troubles is not a thing. With gionee super range phone M6 / M6 2.0 Plus the illicit close space, privacy information here...