新关注 > 信息聚合 > 国内首家“京津冀协同发展”文献服务主题馆落户..


The first "Beijing, Tianjin and collaborative document service development" Theme Pavilion settled..

2015-07-08 20:37:24来源: 河北新闻网

读者通过京津冀协同发展电子服务平台查询资料。 河北新闻网7月8日讯(记者张娜)由河北省图书馆筹划开办的“京津冀协同发展”文献服务主题馆7月8日举行开馆仪式,正式面向社会公众开放。据悉,“京津冀协同...

readers through Beijing, Tianjin and collaborative development of electronic service platform query data. Hebei news network July 8 hearing (reporter Zhang Na) by the library of Hebei province plan to run the "Beijing, Tianjin and cooperative development" literature service theme pavilion on July 8, the opening ceremony was held, an official for society is open to the public. It is reported, Beijing, Tianjin and collaborative...