新关注 > 信息聚合 > 羽毛球大师赛:中国选手提前锁定四枚金牌


Badminton Masters: Chinese players locked in advance of four gold medals

2016-04-23 20:51:35来源: 中国新闻网

中新网常州4月23日电 (李纯)2016中国羽毛球大师赛23日结束5个项目的半决赛,林丹、谌龙、李雪芮、徐晨/马晋等中国选手晋级决赛,锁定4个项目的金牌。 在当日的比赛中,全满贯得主林丹对阵中国小将林贵埔。40分钟的比赛终以林丹21:13、21:15胜出,挺进决赛。 “今年非常特...

Changzhou April 23 (Xinhua Li Chun) 2016 China Masters badminton match 23 ended, the semi finals of the five projects, Lin, Chen long, lixuerui, Xuchen / Majin, Chinese player to qualify for the finals, locking the gold medal in the four projects. In the game of the day, the Grand Slam winner Lin Dan China against Lin Guipu young. 40 minutes of the game will end with Lin Dan 21:15, 21:13 win, advance to the final. "This year is very special...