新关注 > 信息聚合 > 全员加速中、疯狂的麦咭……TFBOYS屏霸电视综艺


Full acceleration, crazy Jimmy card...... The average age of Hangzhou Network

2015-11-27 07:02:59来源: 杭州网

TFBOYS 平均年龄只有15岁的人气组合TFBOYS,自今年暑假录制了他们的第一档户外真人秀节目《加油小当家》之后宣布正式进军电视综艺大战。之后,他们又先后加盟《全员加速中》、《疯狂的麦咭》等...

only 15 year old popular combination of tfboys. Since this summer recorded their first gear outdoor reality show "come on little masters" formally announced to enter the television variety war. After that, they also has joined the "full", "speeding up crazy Jimmy card" etc....