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Dragon valley 27 update the first party of the darkness

2015-01-18 14:34:07来源: 多玩游戏

一如往常平静的次元裂缝中, 受到一股深渊力量的入侵! 集结黑暗与毒气于一身的他们. 从世界各地而来, 展开了专属他们自己的宴会。 没有尽头的宴会,使女神的噩梦也越来越可怕... ...

As usual calm dimensional crack, the invasion by a force to the abyss! Rally in the gas and the dark one of them. From all over the world, and launched an exclusive party of their own. Not at the end of the party, the goddess of nightmare is becoming more and more terrible... ...

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