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"京粤大战"前广东迎大利好消息 刘晓宇伤愈复出

"Guangdong wars" former Guangdong Ying good news Liu Xiaoyu injury

2015-02-24 20:25:34来源: 网易

今天下午,刘晓宇随广东队来到北京,并参加了球队训练。杜锋表示,他会根据情况给刘晓宇时间,让他尽快适应比赛节奏。 网易体育袁杰2月24日北京报道: 今天下午,广东东莞银行队抵达北京,备战与北京队的半决赛。记者发现,在广东队的随行人员中有久疏战阵的刘晓宇。刘晓宇参加了广东队下午的适应性训...

this afternoon, Liu Xiaoyu with the Guangdong team came to Beijing, and took part in the team training. Du Feng said, he will be in accordance with the situation to Liu Xiaoyu time, let him adapt to the pace of the game as soon as possible. NetEase sports Yuan Jie Beijing February 24th reports: this afternoon, Guangdong Dongguan bank team arrived in Beijing, the semi-final with Beijing ahead of team. Reporter discovery, a long battle in Guangdong team entourage of Liu Xiaoyu. Liu Xiaoyu attended the adaptability of Guangdong team training this afternoon...