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The international week to see the world

2015-05-11 04:11:27来源: 东北网

中国风 5月4日,在美国纽约,歌手蕾哈娜身穿带有中国元素的晚礼服亮相纽约大都会艺术博物馆慈善舞会。新华社/法新 希望 5月7日,在尼泊尔加德满都郊区,尼泊尔士兵和地震幸存者在房屋废墟处搜寻物品。新华社/路透

Chinese wind in May 4th, in New York American, singer Rihanna wearing a tuxedo with China elements appeared in New York Metropolitan Museum of Art charity ball. Xinhua / new hope in May 7th, in the Kathmandu suburb of Nepal, Nepal soldiers and earthquake survivors in the ruins of houses at the search items. Xinhua / Reuters