新关注 > 信息聚合 > 普遍看好 《重力异想世界》续作将登陆PSV平台

普遍看好 《重力异想世界》续作将登陆PSV平台

Generally optimistic about the "gravity" fantasy world sequel coming to the PSV platform

2015-01-30 00:49:28来源: 逗游网

《重力异想世界(Gravity Rush)》或许是一款有缺陷的游戏,但它仍然是一部很棒的游戏,代表着PSV体验中的重头戏。很多粉丝一直在呼唤本作的续作公布,相关谣言早在一年前便已开始传播,然后一直没...

gravity fantasy world "(Gravity Rush)" may be a flawed game, but it is still a great game, represents the PSV experience in the main event. Many fans have been calling this sequel announced, rumors as early as a year ago has begun to spread, and then never...

标签: PS