新关注 > 信息聚合 > 房地产税立法初稿已成形 税率或由地方自行决定

房地产税立法初稿已成形 税率或由地方自行决定

The real estate tax legislation, the draft has been forming rate or by the local self decision

2015-07-14 17:26:00来源: 中国网

房地产税改革路径日渐明晰。《经济参考报》记者获悉,房地产税立法初稿已基本成形,正在内部征求意见并不断完善中。据悉,房地产税主体税种或由房产税、城镇土地使用税合并,具体税率可能将由地方在中央确定的税率区间内自行决定。 财政部部长楼继伟日前在向十二届全国人大常委会第十五次会议作2014年...

real estate tax reform increasingly clear. "Economic Information Daily" reporter was informed that the real estate tax legislation has been the basic form of the first draft, is the internal consultation and continuous improvement. It is reported that the real estate tax or the main tax, urban land use tax merger, the specific rate may be determined by the central rate within the range of their own decisions. Finance minister Lou Jiwei recently in the fifteenth session of the twelve National People's Congress for 2014...