新关注 > 信息聚合 > ET5马奎尔4-2战胜黑马夺冠 特鲁姆普止步八强

ET5马奎尔4-2战胜黑马夺冠 特鲁姆普止步八强

ET5 Maguire 4-2 victory over the dark horse to win Trump zhibubajiang

2014-12-15 07:51:42来源: 网易

欧洲球员巡回赛第五站(ET5),马奎尔淘汰希金斯后,决赛4-2击败黑马塞尔特,第三次获得球员巡回赛冠军,特鲁姆普止步八强。 网易体育12月15日报道: 2014年斯诺克欧洲球员巡回赛第五站(ET5)里斯本公开赛在葡萄牙首都里斯本全部结束,马奎尔淘汰希金斯后一路过关斩将,决赛4-2击败...

European players tour fifth station (ET5), Maguire eliminated Higgins after the final defeat of the dark horse, 4-2 Sert, third time winner of the players Tour Championship, Trump zhibubajiang. NetEase sports in December 15th reported: 2014 snooker European players tour fifth station (ET5) Lisbon open all over in the Portuguese capital Lisbon, all the way all the way through the Maguire out of Higgins, the final 4-2 victory...