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外媒称苹果在研发神秘设备 配备弧形玻璃

Foreign media said the apple in the research and development of the mysterious device equipped with curved glass

2015-08-15 02:05:01来源: 天极网

Global Equities Research旗下分析师Trip Chowdhry今天在一份报告中表示,苹果很有可能正在研发一款全新类别的神秘产品,这款产品体积较大,而且配备的是可以显示出高清图像的弧形玻璃。从这名分析师的描述来看很像是电视机产品,但是他本人并没有在报告中提到“电视”这...

Global equities research's analyst trip chowdhry said in a report today, apple is probably is developing a new category, the mysterious product, this product volume greatly, and equipped with is high-definition images of curved glass can be shown. From the description of the analyst is very much like a television product, but he himself did not mention the TV in the report...