新关注 > 信息聚合 > 河北古城“韩风”袭来 感受古老与时尚的交织

河北古城“韩风”袭来 感受古老与时尚的交织

Hebei Gucheng "Hanfeng" hit feel the ancient and fashion are intertwined

2015-07-30 18:49:02来源: 中国新闻网

河北古城“韩风”袭来 感受古老与时尚的交织 【解说】在千年古县河北滦县,有一条韩国女人街。尽管在中国沿海城市韩潮已非新鲜事物,但在古色古香的明清建筑中体验原汁原味的韩国元素,还是别有一番情趣。

Hebei Gucheng "Han wind" hit feel ancient and fashion interleaver [comment] in the Millennium Gu County of Luan county, Hebei Province, a Korean woman street. Although in China's coastal city Han Chao is not new things, but in the antique Ming and Qing architecture experience authentic Korean element, still don't have a lot of fun.