新关注 > 信息聚合 > 家用油烟机好不好 望闻问切来判断

家用油烟机好不好 望闻问切来判断

Household lampblack machine is good smell to judge

2016-09-29 00:00:06来源: 中关村在线


Fried, fried, fried, stewed...... Chinese cuisine cooking methods varied, some people even summed up the twenty-eight law. The fire is a common feature of heavy oil. Delicious is delicious, however, the high temperature brings a lot of smoke, not only pollute the kitchen, but also harm the beauty and health of housewives. Although the kitchen basically installed a range hood, but does not mean that there is no smoke. How to test the kitchen to run a smoke not to run a smoke? Is it easy to use household fume hood? Doctor of traditional Chinese medicine to see a doctor...