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辐射移动品台衍生作《辐射 庇护所》正式上架

Radiation of mobile products and derived the fallout shelter "officially shelves

2015-06-16 03:12:58来源: 4399

今天是世界最大的游戏展会E3(The Electronic Entertainment Expo)正式开幕的日子,Bethesda曝出了主机和电脑上的《辐射4》的同时,也宣布了《辐射 庇护所》这款iOS上的辐射衍生作。 公布新作是件好事,但是希望在手机上玩到正统的辐射或者以为这是正统辐...

today is the official opening of the world's biggest game of E3, the Electronic Entertainment Expo) days, Bethesda exposed the host computer and the radiation 4" at the same time, also announced that the radiation of the radiation shelter "this IOS derivatization for. It's a good thing to publish a new film, but hope to play on the phone or think it's orthodox....