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他的雷鸟人输出逆天 力劈套吓坏小朋友

His Thunderbird output guards force split sleeve frightened children

2016-07-31 11:43:49来源: 17173

69宝宝逆天输出,这他妈多高的攻击呀? 高连力劈套的,3044是普攻,5927是两下暴击,3932是触发力劈套,这尼玛得多高的攻击呀,平均等级怎么也得60以上吧。这啪啪啪的3000。还是高连,我的...

69 baby guards output, how high this fucking attack? High Lianli split sleeve, 3044 Pugong, 5927 two crit, 3932 is the trigger force split sleeve, the fuck much higher attack ah, how have the average grade of more than 60. This pa pa pa 3000. Still high, my...