新关注 > 信息聚合 > 新浪视点:LG杯体现当今棋界大势 中国仍领军

新浪视点:LG杯体现当今棋界大势 中国仍领军

Sina's point of view: LG cup reflect today's QiJie trend China is still leading

2016-06-01 17:50:07来源: 新浪

LG杯八强棋手合影 新浪体育讯 6月1日儿童节,围棋界以一场精彩战役书写新的童话。第21届LG杯十六强战,中日韩高手各施绝技,六名中国棋手、两名韩国棋手杀进八强,体现了当今棋界的大势,但中韩第一...

LG cup quarterfinals chess player June 1 children's day, sina sports excel new fairy tale written in a great battle. The 21st LG cup 16 war, China, Japan and South Korea master each stunt, six Chinese chess player, two south Korean chess player into the last eight, reflects the general trend in today's QiJie, but China and South Korea the first...