新关注 > 信息聚合 > 多亏服务器汽车芯片 英特尔股价明年有望增长25%

多亏服务器汽车芯片 英特尔股价明年有望增长25%

Intel's share price is expected to grow by 25% next year, thanks to the server.

2016-04-18 19:47:56来源: 环球网

4月18日消息,据外电报道,著名财经杂志《巴伦周刊》周日发表的一份报告称,由于英特尔的服务器芯片和汽车内置芯片等业务发展速度迅猛,该公司的股价有望在一年内增长25%。 该杂志称,在本周二这家芯片制造商发布财报的时候,它可能会将今年的预期收益下调。但是,到今年底,该公司将有望七年来首次...

April 18 news, according to foreign reports, a report by the renowned financial magazine Barron's published on Sunday said due to the rapid pace of development of the Intel server chip and the car's built-in chip business, shares of the company is expected to within a year growth of 25%. The magazine said it would cut its expected earnings this year, on Tuesday, when it released its earnings report. However, by the end of this year, the company will be expected for the first time in seven years...