新关注 > 信息聚合 > 吴佩慈掷3.5亿巨资买豪宅 淡出娱圈成隐形富豪

吴佩慈掷3.5亿巨资买豪宅 淡出娱圈成隐形富豪

Wu peici throw 350 million a huge sum of money to buy a person of extraordinary powers curtilage Fade from entertainment circle into contact

2016-10-07 06:33:12来源: 新浪

原标题:吴佩慈掷3.5亿巨资买豪宅 成娱圈隐形富豪 新浪娱乐讯 有媒体报道,被称为“九头身”美女的吴佩慈[微博]近日霸气豪掷4亿(人民币约3.5亿)现金购买位于香港西半山的两层全海景豪宅,费用一...

The original title: wu peici throw 350 million a huge sum of money to buy a person of extraordinary powers curtilage in entertainment circle invisible Sina entertainment inquiry Media reports, known as the "nine head body" the beauty of wu peici [microblogging] has domineering spent 400 million (RMB 350 million) in cash to buy in Hong Kong's mid-levels west two layers, mansion, all cost a...