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探源文明之精神 雅致生活之变

Variable elegant living spirit of the Origin of Civilization

2016-02-01 04:30:57来源: 长江商报

长江商报消息 现状琴瑟和鸣可修身养性,初学古琴容易枯燥 在中国文化中,音乐似乎能调和一切。 现代社会矛盾带来的精神压力让人们苦恼,古琴因中正平和,不失为修身养性的良方。 与古琴相伴随出现的是瑟...

Changjiang Daily News Status of band can be self-cultivation, beginners easily dry Guqin in Chinese culture, the music seems to be able to reconcile everything. Modern social conflicts caused by mental stress make people upset, because Guqin CKS calm, after all, self-cultivation recipe. And Guqin phase is accompanied by Joseph ...