新关注 > 信息聚合 > 涨价停不下来?浅析SSD涨价的背后原因


Prices can't stop? The reason behind the SSD prices of shallow

2016-10-26 11:41:36来源: 新浪

近段时间以来,固态硬盘市场最大的新闻可能就是各品牌固态硬盘产品的市场报价步调一致的大幅上涨,不仅是固态硬盘市场,此轮大幅涨价潮还波及到了内存条市场,内存的涨幅也是相当恐怖。 同时,不同于此前或天...

Recently, SSD market the biggest news is likely to be the brand SSD pace product market price is rising sharply, is not only the SSD market, this round rises in price considerably tide also affected the memory-chip market, memory gains is quite scary. At the same time, different from the previous or day...